ADHD Coaching Will Help You


Set Goals You Can Achieve

Go beyond the daily struggle and create a vision for your life. Where would you like to be? Let’s get you there!


Outline Helpful Strategies

Create a path one step at a time to achieve your goals.. We help you discover a plan and then take action while trying new strategies and building skills along the way.


Provide You With Resources

You are not alone in this. We will help you to identify the support you have all around you.


Keep You Accountable

Sometimes life gets in the way, we will be your accountability partner to help you stay on track.

Through the coaching process, we will partner with you throughout your journey of self-discovery to reach your full potential and achieve concrete results!

Hi, I’m Lisa!, ADHD Expert  (LCSW, CALC)

As the founder of MindFuel Counseling, I am 100% invested in helping individuals and couples navigate through life’s challenges and transitions.

  • I am a licensed clinical social worker and an credentialed ADHD Life Coach and I offer counseling/life coaching for adults with ADHD.

I motivate and empower my clients to make choices that will promote their most satisfying life utilizing innovative and collaborative counseling techniques with a large dose of authenticity!


Are you ready to feel less overwhelmed and more in control?