ADHD Counseling Will Help You
Develop Coping Skills
Learn coping skills to establish and maintain a healthy emotional home to better manage and even reduce your unwanted symptoms.
Move Forward & Break Through Barriers
Gain insight about what is holding you back and what you need in order to move forward in your life.
Create Healthy Relationships
Improve communication skills to build healthy and lasting relationships, both personal and professional.
Therapy is a terrific roadmap for self-discovery in a safe setting where you can learn and practice new coping skills that will help you feel more in control over your emotions and better equipped to tackle life challenges.
Hi, I’m Lisa
ADHD Expert
As the founder of MindFuel Counseling, I am 100% invested in helping individuals and couples navigate through life’s challenges and transitions.
- I am a licensed clinical social worker and a credentialed ADHD Life Coach. I offer therapy and life coaching for adults with ADHD.
I motivate and empower my clients to make choices that will promote their most satisfying life utilizing innovative and collaborative counseling techniques with a large dose of authenticity!
Are you ready to feel less overwhelmed and more in control?